Otún-Quimbaya is located on the central Andes near the city of Pereira. It is a Flora and Fauna Sanctuary holding a wealth of avifauna. Our lodgings there are extremely comfortable and are surrounded by beautiful gardens and secondary forests. Just as we begin, you will have close-up views of Red-ruffed Fruitcrow from our lodgings. Along the road, we will likely see Cauca Guan, a species thought to be extinct until its rediscovery in 1990. With luck we will also spot the occasional howler monkey family foraging high in the canopy.
Along the road, we will see active mixed foraging groups. We'll look for Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet, Rufous-breasted Flycatcher, Inca Jay, Black-billed Peppershrike, Marble-faced and Variegated Bristle-Tyrants, Highland Motmot, Black-billed Mountain-Toucan, Golden-fronted Redstart, Blue-naped Chlorophonia, Orange-bellied Euphonia, and Glossy and Masked Flowerpiercer. Torrent Duck frequents the stream at the end of our walk.
Photo Credit: C. Calonje