Located on the western slope of the Western Andes, Anchicayá is perhaps one of the hottest birding areas in Colombia. Along this route, more than 300 species have been recorded and seeing 100 + species a day is not uncommon. Birding begins in the town of El Queremal where we take the old road to the port of Buenaventura. Since the construction of a new road to Buenaventura, this road is seldom used and is therefore the ideal birding route. We will also have the opportunity to stay overnight at the EPSA (Hydroelectric Facilities) near the town of el Danubio. The undisturbed forests within will surely reward us with great bird sightings.
As we descend from the Alto Anchicayá near the tiny village of El Danubio towards the lowlands, we'll look for Barred Hawk, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Yellow-collared Chlorophonia, and several species of tanagers including Rufous-throated, Ochre-breasted, Gray-and-gold, and the always beautiful Scarlet-and-white. Along the way we will see many beautiful waterfalls, even one that falls directly onto the road!
Within the EPSA Facilities, we will be on the lookout for Chocó and Spot-breasted Woodpeckers, Esmeraldas Antbird, Streaked Antwren, Fasciated Tiger-heron, Collared Aracari, Chestnut-mandibled Toucan, Sooty-headed Wren, Rufous-brown Solitaire, Broad-Billed Motmot, Pale-eyed Thrush, Pacific Cacique, Yellow-green Bush-Tanager, and Gray Seedeater. Specialties for this area include Long-wattled Umbrellabird, Black-tipped Cotinga, Chocó Tapaculo and the near endemic Rose-faced Parrot. We will also take in the spectacular sights of the Anchicayá Lake created by the dam. Within the lowlands possibilities include Scaled Pigeon, Mealy and Blue-headed Parrots, Purple Honeycreeper, Club-winged and White-crowned Manakins, Streaked Antwren, and Scarlet-browed, Tawny-crowned and Dusky-faced Tanagers.
Anchicayá bird list (Download PDF)
Photo Credit: C M Wagner